
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Photo by Genna BloomBecker



We are a group of artists, makers, and crafts-people, from around the San Francisco Bay Area, working together to share our experience and creativity. Through classes, workshops, and pop-up shops we hope to cultivate a strong network of creative people and to give back to our community.

How do we become more than individual artists working alone in our studios?

Our members span a variety of disciplines from jewelry makers to ceramicists and fine artists. We hope to push the boundary of the word 'craft.' For us, 'craft' is defined as application of a creative skill. We are more than just makers - we each have a skill that we want to share with the community around us, and this is what makes us craftspeople. We encourage any interested Bay Area artists from ALL disciplines to join (visual, musical, dance - we really mean ALL). If you consider what you do to be a craft, apply here.